Anyone studying an initial teacher education (ITE) course must successfully complete the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) in order to graduate.

The test is split into two components – literacy and numeracy. This page features study tips, helpful resources, and practice tests to make you feel more comfortable with the types of questions you may come across in the LANTITE.

If you would like further information about the test please refer to the School of Education’s range of support resources.


The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) is responsible for making the LANTITE a requirement for new teachers in Australia and their website is an excellent source of information should you have any questions about the test. Access the ACER content guide for a more detailed explanation of the two components, as well as an outline of the skills and content within the test.

The ACER website also contains some great tips and test-taking strategies, including time management suggestions and how to use some of the software provided, such as the on-screen calculator used while completing the numeracy component of the test. You are strongly encouraged to read this before attempting the sample tests that follow, as well as before the real test.

The ACER website also provides you with some practice questions and retired test questions on their practice material page. These are a great study resource and it is highly recommended you attempt to work through these questions as part of your study plans leading up to the test. In addition, there are practice tests for both literacy and numeracy which you can complete online once you have registered to sit the relevant test (these are also provided as PDFs, but it is strongly recommended not to view them before attempting the online version). For more details on these practice tests see the information provided by ACER, as well as the Further Tips section of this page.

The remainder of this page is divided into two sections, one for each component of the test. In each section you will find some direction on where you could begin studying for the LANTITE, as well as more practice tests focusing on each component.

Numeracy component

The Numeracy component of the LANTITE is comprised of 65 questions, split into two sections. The first section has 52 questions and you are allowed to use a calculator. The second section has 13 questions for which you are not permitted to use a calculator. Once you begin the second section you will not be able to return to the first. You will have two hours to complete the test.

Where to start

A good place to start your study for the test is our Numeracy Fundamentals module. This module provides explanations and examples for the concepts covered in the test, and is organised into the three key areas of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. These pages also include some examples of how to perform certain calculations without a calculator, as required for the second section of the test.

After working through this material it is recommended that you attempt some or all of the following practice questions, which have been grouped according to topic. The aim is to do enough sample questions so that you feel familiar and confident with the content.

Sample test

The following practice test is approximately half the length of the LANTITE numeracy test. There are 26 calculator available questions (some with multiple parts), followed by 6 calculator not available questions, and you should see if you can complete them in one hour (i.e. half the time of the actual test). As in the real LANTITE numeracy test, you will not be able to go back to the calculator available section of the test once you start on the calculator not available questions.

You should attempt as many questions as you can. The answers are provided at the end for you to review.

LANTITE Numeracy sample test

Remember, after you’ve registered for your test, to head back to the ACER website, log into your account, and do the practice test before you sit the real test.

Literacy component

The Literacy component has one section comprised of 65 questions. You have two hours to complete the test.

Where to start

If you are just commencing your preparation for the literacy component of LANTITE, or if you have already spent time preparing but are still unsure about some aspects, we highly recommend you complete the Structure and Mechanics module before proceeding any further. This module can help you improve reading comprehension and particularly punctuation, syntax and grammar, within the technical writing skills section of the test.

As you work through the material, you may find it helpful to start putting together a list of areas of which you are still unsure, and revise relevant Reading Skills and Writing Skills modules. Also, for general tips on taking multiple choice tests and more tips and samples on tackling reading comprehension and other writing skills, take a look at the LANTITE Literacy Test Preparation video and the Tests and Exams page.

Once you are familiar with these skills, it is recommended that you attempt some or all of the samples in the Literacy Practice Test Resources [PDF, 153 kB]. The range of questions vary in degree of difficulty as they do in the LANTITE Literacy test. If you find that there are some sample questions you can’t complete correctly, you may need to revisit the materials above or make use of other materials. Note the type of questions you find challenging and work out what aspect is causing difficulty: vocabulary, syntax, grammar, punctuation, spelling, word usage in different contexts, or text organisation.

Sample test

The following sample test is approximately half the length of the LANTITE literacy test. There are 32 questions and you should see if you can complete them in one hour (i.e. half the time of the actual test).

You should attempt as many questions as you can. The answers are provided at the end for you to review.

LANTITE Literacy sample test

Remember, after you’ve registered for your test, to head back to the ACER website, log into your account, and do the practice test before you sit the real test.

Further tips

One last reminder - if you’re registered to do the LANTITE, and you haven’t already, have a go at the ACER practice test! It will be available through your ACER account after registration. You can have a look at ACER’s practice test information if you’d like to know more.

When completing the ACER practice test make sure you have a go at completing them as you would the real test - don’t use any notes or resources, only give yourself two hours for each component, and make use of relevant test-taking strategies, such as finding a quiet place to reduce distraction. If you find you are struggling to manage the time available to you to complete the test, start small. Try answering 10 questions in 20 minutes. Set a timer for yourself, so you get into the practice of answering questions within a time limit. Then progress to attempting 20 questions in just under 40 minutes; 30 questions in just under 60 minutes; 40 questions in just under 75 minutes; 50 questions in just under 90 minutes, then attempt 65 questions in 120 minutes several times. Finally, after revising the practice tests you have attempted so far, note areas in which you still need to develop your skills. The more you practice the better your test taking skills will become.

After attempting the practice tests you will receive feedback on whether you seem ready for the LANTITE. With both the tests, if you can complete it on the first attempt with a score that is ‘above the standard’ according to the equivalence table, it is a good indication that you are ready to attempt the real test. However, if you are not able to achieve ‘above the standard’ on the test on your first attempt, don’t despair. Have a look at the questions you missed and see which literacy areas or numeracy concepts they relate to, then make sure you revisit all of the relevant resources provided. Also, try to find as many additional resources as you can to help you. Searching online can bring up a whole range of helpful pages. Some students find the website Maths is Fun a useful resource, as well as NAPLAN sample questions and selective entrance practice tests - just keep in mind that not all questions are necessarily relevant, or at the right level, but they will still give you test taking practice.

If you do start to run out of time, then there’s no harm in guessing answers rather than leaving any unanswered. You are not penalised for wrong answers. However, do keep an eye on the time, so that you give yourself the best chance of answering each question correctly. If you leave yourself enough time, you can go back to any questions, check your work, and change your answer if you’d like to.

After you have completed the LANTITE you might feel happy with your performance or just relieved that it is over - but it is also normal to worry that you haven’t done as well as you’d hoped, or to agonise over questions that you may have answered incorrectly. If you find yourself doing this, try to remember that there is little point in stressing over the things you cannot change. When you get your results, if you do find that you haven’t passed, then try to use the information provided to determine where you need to improve for next time.

All the best with the LANTITE!